Community Action to Support the Survival of Orphans
(Casso) |
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living standards of Orphans
most foster-homes are characterized by :
Poor-nutrition, Poor-bedding, high vulnerability to common disease (like
malaria, diarrhea, worm infestation etc.), lack of a well guided child
behavioral process, lack
school fees and scholastic
This kind of situation builds stigma around orphans and in effect
causes :
Continued child migration from one foster-home to
another, school drop-out, rural to urban migration,
early marriages and further
spread of HIV/AIDS. |
Logo: A Child led initiative
30 orphans from ten sub-parishes competed for the best picture to depict an
event of liberation from a
hostile situation. Out of 30 art-pieces, the best 4 were selected and
CASSO logo was
developed. |
The little children fight their way through blocks of darkness to reach a
distant light source
“The Star”.
The children drift together;
they seem to cause an enhancing effect in each other .
The sure path to
sustainable but distant light is provided by Community
effort “CASSO” |