Projects 2007

Programmes in 

Romania, Nepal, Hungary, Uganda, Ghana, Tanzania, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Belarus, India, Malawi, Kenya, Jordan, Nigeria


"Chemistry Clinic" The Science Lab ReviseGuys
Digital Literacy
Love me Love  Environment Food Health
and Hygiene

Animal catalogue Sierra Leone and Nepal  Uganda

Supplies Delivered to

Sierra Leone
Art supplies, paint brushes notebooks miscellaneous items
Sports items - skipping ropes, footballs, large small, mixed small balls bats etc
Small consignment of books for new library

Educational posters, teachers' notes and resource material
Educational posters and resource material for 50 primary schools
Educational supplies for 6 secondary schools
Educational posters, shoes, leotards, dance supplies, track suits. toys etc

Miscellaneous supplies and small toiletries
Specialist medical equipment

Fleeces, miscellaneous clothing and toys

Fleeces and miscellaneous items

Diplomas and trophies for Positive Citizenship Course (x2)
Small finances computer supplies
Drawing paper and pencils
Competition trophies and prizes

St. Vincent and Grenadines
Educational posters, teachers' notes and resource material

Some finances for heat and lighting
Finances for new raincoats, educational supplies and an award.

Educational posters, mixed text books, mixed stationery, miscellaneous items
and shoes, leotards , general dancewear
trophies and sports wear

Dance supplies, shoes, leotards, dance tops, lycra trousers, track suit tops

Educational posters, teachers' notes and resource material

Educational posters, teachers' notes and resource material

Sports' supplies - educational posters, teachers' notes resource material.
Night attire, sports' tops and miscellaneous items
Sports items - skipping ropes, footballs, large small, mixed small balls bats etc

Educational posters, teachers' notes and resource material

India and Philippines
Suitcase, leotards,  dance wear, dance shoes baby and adult clothes
tracksuit tops paint brushes etc.

India and Mozambique
Pencils, pens and notebooks.

Miscellaneous items, educational supplies, natural heritage resources, 
small musical expendables, trophies
Dance supplies/gymnastics items and education packs.

Tanzania and Philippines
blankets, baby clothes, dance wear, leotards etc

Sports supplies including mixed balls, skipping ropes, small games etc

Baby clothes, dance and gymnastics items - miscellaneous Educational items.

Link Community Development  Ghana, Ethiopia, Uganda, Malawi
Educational packs - posters - teachers' resource material and lesson plans

Visits to
Israel  January 
Sierra Leone January
India February 
Positive Citizenship Module Nigeria 
Visit to Mozyr Belarus April
Art Competition Belarus

Visit to Nigeria April
Classics Competition UK France and Germany
Visit to Nigeria June
Visit to Hungary May
Visit to Belarus July/August

Events Planned
Further citizenship modules Nigeria
Visit to Tanzania
Visit to Nigeria
Water and forest projects various countries.


Communication 2007 with

Belarus Nepal Uganda U.S. Romania Japan
Nigeria France Canada Hungary Ukraine England
Ireland Italy Denmark Bulgaria Kenya Brazil
India Israel China St. Vincent Lebanon Sierra Leone
St. Vincent Philippines Greece Zambia Mauritius Pakistan
Mozambique Gambia Ghana Tanzania Germany