20 Years of Experience - 2005
first school day – a very ordinary
sunny day at the beginning of autumn. In Bulgaria this day is a holiday
with many flowers, every family sending at least one child to school with
a bouquet of blossoms. Youth and beauty get together in the temple of
knowledge. The school yard is
full of happy lively motley groups of children.
is how it is “out there”.
the prison walls in Stara Zagora the picture is very different. In the
prison yard there stands a newly built four-floor edifice. Facing it there
are 175 inmates in straight rows. 18 teachers stand by the widely opened
doors of the school. These are the first students and the first teachers.
year is 1985.
ambitions, confidence and the readiness to extend a helping hand on the
part of the teachers facing doubt, frustration, and lots of deep hidden
questions of the men, who had gone astray along the path of life. This is
how the new “extraordinary” school was born, without the usual
children’s chitter-chatter, without colourful flowers, but with great
hope for success.
the river of time commenced its flow, and the pieces of patience, deep
understanding and great sympathy for every student forming the basis of
the following days at the beginning of the school year the rows of
students and the numbers of teachers increased while the efforts of all,
the fulfilled hopes, the defended trust brought about the birth of
expectation and a tradition.
year 2005 marks 20 years of work and experience and on the first school
day, in front of the door of VPU, “Pop
Mincho Kanchev” there were 336 students-inmates and 38 teachers. 11
young men stood in the first row, they
were going to complete the course of their education during that school
group of the beginners was larger in number and less confident – 66
inmates, who had made their choice to improve their education. Although it
was rather late in their life, they had decided to improve themselves and
become literate and to take up the newness for them but difficult road of
at every school year,
everything starts anew.
maybe not everything.
of the teachers in this school have had years of experience, some have
been there since its foundation. They have become integrated as part of a
tradition and they have the time cherished strong belief in the good
tradition and the power of knowledge and even more so ….the good in
humanistic values have kept the spirit of the
teachers and students high (delete)because it is not an easy job to
teach and study at school.
is easy to step back and to give in. It is difficult to go on, to prove
yourself, difficult but at the same time praiseworthy.
uncomfortable times one looks for moral support, first of all around
one’s self , and then in yourself.
can find the greatest support in man – the good hidden deep in
the soul of every person.
there is real wonder – the good, when one looks for it, becomes alive,
tries to develop from a cocoon into a butterfly.
is how men start writing verses, paint pictures, sing songs, and draw
images – turning into creators of beauty and good. Our prisoners turning
like caterpillars to valuable
assets of humanity.
comes the reward after work well done, so important especially for us as
teachers. If the feeling of reward could come easily as it is with
butterflies! It goes to sleep as a caterpillar and then wakes up a
butterfly! If only it was possible not to have to look for the good in the
people, and most of all where few expect
to find it.
is very difficult to encourage people who have lost their self-confidence
to start to believe in themselves again- yet in spite of the odds the
“magic” which is called school becomes reality.
nowadays do not give credence to “magic” and in “wonders”. They
believe in facts and figures. All those who are interested in statistics
should read the following lines.
the last 20 years VPU “Pop Mincho Kanchev” has had more than 3200
students. To date 150 students have finished primary school, – 187 have
finished middle school, and 90 students have finished secondary school.
213 students have been awarded certificates for vocational qualification.
school has organized more than 50 exhibitions of pictures and artworks of
the students. More than 160 programmes and performances by members of the
focus interest groups have been shown. Many meetings with important
representatives of the cultural life in Stara Zagora, artists, musicians,
poets, writers, actors and others have been organized. All this has been
done with the combined efforts of everyone – teachers and students,
participants in the focus interest groups and their leaders. More than one
third of the students in the time allotted to extracurricular activities
have further their careers in acting, directors, musical, dance and
artistic careers. The drama club, the clubs in artwork, folk traditions
and customs, music, modern dances activities, club “Flight in the
sky””, club “Traveller”, and many others are popular.
aims of the teaching staff in the correction and education in the
classwork and extracurricular activities are to discover and improve the
potential in the students-inmates, to encourage them and to organize
public support for their achievements, develop new ideas and enhance moral
values in our students and the public..
to statistics and photographs from years before, the eyes of our students
and the smiles on the faces of our teachers at the end of the day
understandably show how much they feel justified by their actions and
endeavours. They find a sense of achievement
in the difficulties they have overcome, in the results they have
achieved and in the duty they have fulfilled.
feeling of pride in the road we have travelled warms our souls, but at the
same time the distant road to follow is in front of us. The teaching staff
knows that only by introducing innovation into our work
can help make legs to
walk forward.
new ideas came from the participation of the teachers in the project
“MABEL” in Grundtwig2. The Bulgarian team showed
enthusiasm and professionalism
in completing the project activities which boosted the confidence
of the teachers as professionals.
participation in the project enriched the practice of teaching and built
upon and enhanced the potential of the teachers. They also felt their
experience brought substantial input into the project products and made
them confident to have their own educational merit in the ever enlarging
European family. The Bulgarian team in the project, together with
their colleagues from Ireland, England, Norway, Poland showed
openness and readiness for cooperation. This gives us confidence to
go on with other international activities.
we want to express our thanks for the support and hospitality and for the
respect to Bulgaria, expressed to the teachers from Stara Zagora, with the
same vocation in life – teachers at a prison school.
Translated by Antoaneta
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