Project Hope - Uganda Annual Report for the Year April 2010 – March 2011 Introduction: The year 2010 saw Project Hope – Uganda consolidate its support in education life-lines; and clean water provision to the 15,000 community members in the sub-county of Nangabo through: - Extending educational opportunities to communities by funding member organizations (See Appendix 1 for a list of member organizations) - Training young people in life enhancing skills - Developing family learning skills and increasing on the number of, and improving facilitator skills - Digging a dip water well and installation of Hydro Electric power - Promoting net-working amongst member organizations to improve on management skills
Project Hope - Uganda directly supports the introduction of the powerful technique of family learning in Nangabo Sub-County, Wakiso District. With professional support and consultancy from the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE, UK), Project Hope - Uganda has organized the introduction and expansion of the family learning technique. This is enabling parents and their children learn together within their family setting and community learning centers.
In the year April 2010 – March 2011, among other things, we managed to achieve the following: - We renewed our registration with the Non Governmental Organizations Board for the next 3 years. Our registration certificate number is S.5914/7517 - Member organizations managed to work together on a number of activities that sought to improve their management skills - We stocked a community library with a over 100 books, a community resource center with over 250 books and a primary school book bank with over 320 books - We refurbished an Early Childhood Care and Development Center play ground and play materials, and also provided them with play material - Member organizations strengthen their partnership links throughout the network. Kabubbu Community Library kept all its doors and resources open to all the members of Project Hope – Uganda. Manyangwa Modern Primary School, Spire High School and Cambridge College have continued to work together to better the academic performance of their learners. - We managed to dig and construct a 120 feet deep well for a school and surrounding community. This development provides safe drinking water to over 380 students and school staff and supports the lives of 40 households in the school’s host community. - Through partnership with the National Institute of Adults in Continuing Education, we have managed the ongoing expansion of the Family Learning Technique of education in the community. We carried out refresher courses for family learning facilitators. - An Adult Literacy Learner’s Training Manual was translated from the English language into the local language and now awaits publication - We managed to get a community school connected with badly needed Hydro-electricity power to enhance the learning environment in that school. - Through Community Action to Support the Survival of Orphans, Project Hope – Uganda carried out ‘Inspire the World’ project, a program that seeks to give life skills and an inspirational attitude to school children in the community we work in. This is an on-going project and in the year ending March 2011, we established 5 functional ‘Inspire the world Clubs’ in schools. - We secured a public address system for a community school.
Many thanks to British Airways, A Ray of Hope, UNESCO Youth Ambassador for the Culture of Peace, St. Marks Nursery and Primary School, Fielding School and to all our other friends and supporters. You have made 2010 a year of success for Project Hope – Uganda and her member organizations. Your love and support have strengthened Project Hope - Uganda’s ability to empower communities. Be blessed. Priorities for the next year: - Working with member organizations to further empower them in proper management of their affairs - Maximizing benefits from resources to the communities we support - Further involvement of member organizations in all quality assurance activities - Formation of more partnerships with other organizations Appendix 1