Project Hope - Uganda Annual Report for the Year April 2008 – March 2009

Project Hope Objectives:

  1. To create and maintain a network of organizations and projects with similar aspirations to share resources and experiences so as to attain those aspirations
  2. Sourcing funds for the activities of the organizations and projects within the network thus created
  3. Advising the projects and organizations within the network on issues pertaining the attainment of their aspirations
  4. Supporting communities with their educational, social, economic and cultural needs through supporting youth and adult education
  5. Linking affiliated projects and organizations to similar projects and organizations around the world
  6. Undertaking income generating and related activities to support the sustainability of all projects undertaken

In the year ended, Project Hope was able to register the following successes among others:

-         Provided training in family learning to over 20 family from the different parishes of Nangabo Sub-County

-         Provided over 250 books and other reading materials to school, a community library and communities

-         Installed 2 water reservoirs to hold 16,000 litres of water for a school, and is shared by the nearby community 

-         Provided for laptops to help members of the organization with their activities

-         Provided sports material and equipment to school and other youth groups

-         Working relationships amongst the member organizations were established, resulting in the sharing of resources and experiences

-         Raised 357,500shs in local fundraising 

Source of Funds

Amount (UGX)

Expenses (UGX)





British Airways



Funding Approved Proposals


A Ray of Hope



Conducting Training in family learning

Treasury Bills













Priorities for the next year:

-         Administering Project Hope in a cost effective way

-         Conducting more trainings in family learning

-         Providing classroom furniture to a primary school

-         Providing text books to a secondary school and other reading material to schools and communities

-         Strengthening resource and experience sharing amongst Project Hope members 

Many thanks to British Airways, A Ray of Hope, UNESCO Youth Ambassador for the Culture of Peace and to all our other friends and supporters. Your love and support have made Project Hope’s first year a great success. Be blessed