

Visit to Belarus July/August 2006

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Late July, 2006 and time to yet again  visit “Moy Dom” – Mozyr, Belarus. As always, wary of the possibility of extremely high temperatures but that was not to be. Temperatures during my stay were hot without being uncomfortable and at night cool enough  to sleep soundly.

  I was met at the airport by my “beloved brother” Sergey, Sasha and Nastya. I remember Nastya as a delightful child but now she has blossomed into a beautiful young lady and an excellent speaker of English. She is currently studying  at the University of Minsk.

  The journey to Mozyr was uneventful and slightly peppered by refreshment stops – I suppose to get my blood used to the “Russian” way. !!  Sergey and I conversed for the journey and time flew. The language we have is to say the least unusual but there is a strong understanding  and bond between us.

  Arriving  eventually  in Mozyr and staying with Mila, mother of Nastya. Mila has an extremely responsible job as cashier to a large establishment with bars, restaurant, night club and billiards. She has also a  devout and knowledgeable interest in the ways of Buddha and associated doctrines. My ability to spread my belongings throughout her apartment must have affected the “grand order” of things but she did not complain.

  Whilst in Belarus I continue to learn about life – both important things and also useful. At home we have many ice cube containers that produce standard shapes and seasonal. I could not understand how Mila was producing such interesting and ornate ice cubes until I saw that she was using  the trays  from chocolate boxes.

  The first few days I wandered, settled in and got the registration sorted at the police station which I could never do on my own. Each time it becomes slightly less painless as my friends do more and more. I might have been being prepared for a fishing weekend with Sergey and  his friends. 

  Normally Sergey and I are not allowed out on our own unaccompanied so after  maybe 17 visits to Belarus this was a sort of first. Arriving at the dacha I felt slightly embarrassed as all the other  participants  for the weekend were looking after themselves but I was given a room with fresh sheets. This I did not need but showed yet again the care and attention they wished to extend to me.

(Dacha listen (help·info) (Russian: да́ча) is a Russian word for a house in the countryside. It is usually occupied part of the year by its owner or rented out to urban residents as a summer retreat. Dachas are very common in Russia, and are also widespread in some former republics of the Soviet Union. Anyone who occupies a dacha for the time being is called dachnik (Russian: дачник).)

  Mila had given me strict instructions on what to do and what not to do……. i.e. do not drink vodka and fish……… so I didn’t ……….  Fish. There were rods in the boat but at the height of  the afternoon heat the protagonists with me had different plans. They jumped out of the boats at different places and swam to the bank where they  bent   overhanging bushes or small trees  into the water where it acted as a net and enclosed the fish. The swimmers then felt for the fish, caught them with their hands and threw them into the boat. 

  Enough fish caught, maybe 30 of varying sizes, back to the dacha. The day was far from over as entertainment then consisted of firing .22 rifle at plastic bottles on trees and a shotgun at similar targets. I was particularly pleased to have met and spent some time with two Ukrainian  families in the next dacha. Lovely people, sweet children who welcomed me so warmly. I lost an arm wrestling competition  but that was to be expected as it was with a member of the Ukrainian Olympic team. I did match him however in drinking raw eggs from a shell.

  With the day nearly over I was invited to visit a bee factory where they kindly presented me with  2 litres of honey and half of a  hive.
The next day we fished with rods “nearly early” in the  morning, returning home with dirt and grime in parts of my body that I did not know I had.

 Monday morning arrived too early and off we went to the Ecological and Culture Centre for Mozyr, District. Svetlana, who is never too far away from me, Anna and Ludmila inspirational  directors of schools and myself were given a private showing of the exhibits. So interesting and informative. It seemed that this trip was allowing me to gather information for an event that was yet to happen.

  I did notice pronounced swellings on bites on  my legs.  A visit to a chemist with Svetlana gave me various ointments and tablets but the next day I met  Irina, God daughter, who  took me to see her  mother a pharmacist,,,,,  on to her sister a doctor in a hospital to a dermatologist.  Total time from start to finish maybe 40 minutes, including ( taxi rides )  but then again Belarus is only developing !!!! Thank you to them.

  Both Anna and Ludmila have  dachas and when I am in Belarus being invited to their rural dwellings it is like becoming a member of their families.  What a wonderful day we had and my thanks to them for their hospitality. At Ludmila’s dacha I met the Director of Education  who arranged a meeting for the next day. Luba., the Director of Education  is responsible for 48 educational establishments, 22,000 children and 5000 teachers. She, like Anna and Ludmila, have this inner energy that sets them apart from mere mortals.

At the meeting we discussed United Nations Peace Day on 21st  September, Associated Schools’ Project Network, school projects including our indigenous forests,  the forests of Belarus and disappearing rainforests. UNESCO competitions and the success of the 2006 Culture of Peace Art Competition. A very productive meeting. The Art Competition held in April "Culture of Peace Twenty Years On" had been an astounding success. Right HE UK Ambassador to UNESCO Mr. Tim Craddock receives one of the winning entries from Matthew member of A Ray of Hope.

  Then the Director accompanied us on a further guided tour of the new fort, built in commemoration of Mozyr’s 850th anniversary and a local  historical museum.

  There were many other important events during  my stay  including a day with my God daughters and Vladek the cousin of Darya. The week however finished with a house party in Svetlana’s new apartment which over looks a vast expanse of Mozyr’s surrounds.


........... and as always I returned to Northern Ireland safely.