

                         Dec 2006    TRAINING TRIP TO HUNGARY

The team members were, Melanie Price, (Team Leader), Donna Clare, (REMA, Christian Theatre Company),  Ruth Unsworth, (Vetenary Nurse) Jennifer Allcock,  (Nurse in a Hospice) Carol Oldham, (Child play Therepist)

 We only had seven days in Budapest, Bag, and Nyirbeltek  as the girls had jobs to return to on the following Monday.

This was the first time that the girls had  been on such a trip. This trip was meant to broaden their horizons and give them some experience in a foreign country, and interaction with necessitous families.

I was finalizing the papers for the newly acquired building, and planning the programme for the children for the New Year, with Dani and Kati.  We achieved so much, and did so much, and went to so many places, and met so many people, it is better that I pinpoint all the actual, and factual things that were achieved.

Ruth, nursed Dani and Kati s, Dying Shitsu dog, back to health, after it had been knocked down by a car. Ruth was the perfect labourer for this job. We left the dog walking again. Jenny comforted an elderly lady, who had cancer, and was near death. She used her gentle, comforting skills, to calm Ludimilla. Carol, taught the children new games, and sung songs with them, even though she couldn't  speak the language.  Body language, speaks volumes. Donna sung songs that the children could identify with, and taught them the actions, that went along with the songs.

and ............

We did house to house visiting, in the poor village, to personally give gifts to new babies, and children. 

Interaction and play with the children, were the high lights of each and every day

We have all been invited to go to 7 other Cities to befriend and share our experiences, and apply our talents to the Schools and Churches.

Erika Csiki, has invited us to go to an orphanage for the Summer to work with the children there.

Bishops, Pastors, Deacons, Teachers, and International Representatives, came to meet us and talk about the work that we are doing.

We travelled on every form of transport, that Hungary had to offer, in getting from one end of Hungary, to the other.

We gave gifts for the children, of clothes, toiletries, money, and toys.

Lots of LOVE was given, and received, by every one.

The team members had sacrificed their time, money, families, jobs, and go....................

They are now Infused, and Empowered to go on.......wherever life may take them......

Mission Accomplished
