

Highlights of Visit to Nigeria: 19th October to 2nd November 2006

The visit began with a meeting with Bode Omokaro, Programme Coordinator of DIFN (Development Impact For Nigeria, UK Charity Commisssion No 1091028). It was my first meeting with Bode, my previous contacts have been with Yomi Oloka the UK coordinator of DIFN. Together Bode and I gave a presentation to the head teachers from ten schools in the Lagos area. The meeting was opened by the local government chairman.  The “Teachers Talking About ICT” programme was explained.  The head teachers were interested in making the training available for their staff and the local government chairman also expressed support.  Subsequently I gave Bode initial training as a TT presenter and presented him with course materials so that he can prepare to implement the programme. He will get ongoing support online.

Next I met with the OCDN chairman, Chief Gbade Adejumo, and the OCDN secretary, Chief Michael Mojoyinola, in. OCDN is the Oke-Ogun Community Development Network, and was responsible for the successful art competition for “A Ray of Hope” in Oke-Ogun earlier this year.  I showed the chiefs the sports and educational equipment I had brought and we completed detailed planning for the trip.

On Monday October 23rd I travelled with Chief Adejumo to Ago-Are. There I stayed at the home of Pastor David, manager of the OCDN InfoCentre in Ago-Are, for a week. During that time we met with the chairman and the ex-chairman of the Community Association to discuss the support that outsiders can give to the Information Centre.  I also collected information, for the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), regarding an agricultural distance learning programme, which had been delivered though the InfoCentre. We hope this may lead to closer future links with COL.

I was asked by Pastor David to help raise the profile of the InfoCentre with local schools. I made visits to several secondary schools and suggested starting a schools club at the InfoCentre, which could include linking up with schools overseas. The first meeting was held on Thursday 26th October. Despite very short notice, the participants were greeted with messages through the Internet, from London (Charity for African Welfare and Development) and Northern Ireland (Don McBurney, A Ray of Hope UNESCO Youth Ambassador for the Culture of Peace) and the children of Largymore Primary School.  Following the greetings from Largymore P.S. the participants visited the school website, and prepared email replies.

The schools club was attended by one hundred and twenty two people, at least six of whom were teachers. The teachers were also interested in "TT" (the "Teachers Talking About ICT" programme).  We agreed to set up a separate teachers club, which would be a first step to including the teachers, through the TT-Online part of the TT programme.

Saturday was a social day.  The Oba (local hereditary ruler) was celebrating thirty years as ruler of the town and surrounding area.  The Baale Agbe (chief of the farmers) decided I should accompany him to the celebration - suitably dressed, according to local tradition.  He provided me with a tailored outfit - matching his own and that of other guests, made of material specially designed for the occasion, plus a splendid head-dress.  This "regalia" drew favorable comments over the public address system from the master of ceremonies.

On Sunday the sports and educational resources were presented.

On Monday I travelled to Okeho with Mrs Victoria Adetona.  We made the presentation at a ceremony attended by the Oba of Okeho.  I was also shown the computers that have been installed by OCDN in a room of the town hall and we discussed the possibility of future TT programmes there.  I was also updated on the local micro-credit scheme, and visited its office.  There I was shown a laptop (which is used for administration and IT training) which was awarded through a world bank scheme,.  This was particularly gratifying for me as I had sent the details of the scheme to Chief Adejumo a couple of years ago and he had forwarded them to Mrs Adetola, who had then applied.  Mrs Adetola also told me about her work with the Oyo State "National Council of Women's Societies" (NCWS) a women's empowerment group.  We agreed that if she would send me reports of her women's work and micro-credit work then I would raise the visibility of both these initiatives on the Internet.

My next visit was on Tuesday with Chief Mojoyinola, to Iseyin, where the final presentations were made.  I was also shown the two OCDN computers in Iseyin, which have been installed in a partitioned off area at the end of the library, under the supervision of an education committee.  Chief Mojoyinola said the library had been a valuable resource when he was a young man, but the books are now badly out of date (the most recent gift of books included science books published in 1969.)  We discussed the possibility of printing up- to-date resources through the computers, and thus helping to update the library.  Two freely copyable CDs of ICT training materials were given to the centre to start this initiative. However, a better printer will be needed if such printing is to be done. There is a good quality photocopier which would enable readers to make affordable copies of sections of the books.

On returning to Ibadan on Wednesday I attended a meeting with Professor Francis Egbokhare, director of the Distance Learning Centre at Ibadan University, to discuss his plans for collaborating with OCDN, and with others in our network. This was another encouraging example of positive results coming years after initial efforts.  I was shown a  thick file of correspondence which had lead to the Wednesday meeting – it began with a letter I had written back in 2000, in support of the founder of what is now OCDN, suggesting collaboration with Ibadan University. The university is now planning to set up a new distance learning initiative for rural areas, building on our initial work in Ago-Are.

The trip was extremely useful for mutual updating and future planning for continuing to work together.  The resources were well received.  The face-to-face meetings gave encouragement and new direction to the projects on ground, and enabled various new links to be established.  I will be following these up and strengthening them in the coming months now that I am back with my home computer -  with the easy access to the Internet and the reliable electricity supply that makes my access to information and communication systems so simple compared to the challenges faced by my friends and other contacts in Nigeria.

On behalf of those friends and contacts, and the people they aim to serve, and myself, I thank BA for making the trip to Nigeria possible.