taken from website

Grundtvig is the
Action of Socrates which aims to strengthen the European dimension in
adult education and lifelong learning. It targets adult learners, teachers
and trainers in both formal and non-formal education across Europe in a
range of projects and initiatives, and reflects a commitment at national
and European level to ensure learning opportunities continue throughout
1 supports European Co-operation Projects, partnerships of
organisations which develop teaching and training materials and approaches
in adult education, awareness raising activities and methods for assessing
and recognising adult learning.
2 supports Learning Partnerships, small-scale partnerships involving
adult learners who work together with other learners from across Europe on
projects of common interest
3 provides training grants for staff involved in adult education to
undertake training courses and activities abroad
4 supports Networks of organisations involved in Grundtvig, enabling
them to share best practice, exchange information and ideas and support
the development of further projects.