Poetry inspired by the story
of Joseph and his Butterflies
and written by 9/10 year olds in Largymore Primary School, Northern Ireland.
My name is Joseph a farmer am I
I collect butterflies for eggs.
Keep them warm and feed them well,
To fatten them up for me to sell.
The couriers they come and handle with care.
To Europe and beyond all by air.
I am a farmer who has an usual harvest.
Lots of butterflies straight from the forest.
The profit we make is cash in hand.
Much much more than a plot of land.
by Amy
Beautiful butterfly so rare and
Joseph likes to take care of you.
He catches you but does you no harm.
And takes you safely to his farm.
It doesn't matter if you are orange are red.
He puts you in his special shed.
Collects the pupae to put in crates.
Around the world opening environmental gates.
by Asleigh

The dancing butterflies
fluttering in the breeze.
All brightly coloured matching the summer leaves.
They have come a long way from in a closed shed.
Developed for their beauty on special leaves they are fed.
by Lloyd
Once there was a butterfly who
laid her precious eggs,
On the underside of a shiny leaf soon to have little legs.
In a month they hatched into small green pillars.
Special leaves to eat and eat as tasty stomach fillers.
After they would turn and go to sleep.
And waken up changed their beauty to keep.
by Craig.
Joseph was a boy who always had
some pets.
His favourites were butterflies.
He loved them and cared for them and played with his tiny friends.
The butterflies were very bright.
Joseph with them what a sight.
He became famous for his
butterfly farms.
Keeping them well and safe from harm.
by Nathan.