Ray of Hope
UNESCO Youth Ambassador
for the Culture of Peace

Web with Full Index
innovative global project entitled Abacus, ( we all add up !
) has been initiated between A Ray of Hope and CEWC.
The ethos is simply "learning about our
friends". The project, unlike many others, is open to
children and adults of all ages and groups of any
description. Simply we want to know about you, how you feel
- and what you wish for. All responses will be tabulated by
country and hopefully will provide an awesome data base of
subjective life on earth. The questionnaire can be found here.
Please download the questions - complete by individual,
family or group of any description. During the teething stages if you would
kindly e-mail
your responses to both info@cewc.org
and don@unesco.co.uk.
( Information regarding different language documents and
hard copy will be available in the future) |