Thank you to Santa Krishna
who made it possible for our princesses to have a little bit of Christmas. (Nepal)

"A Million Rays of Light and Hope"

ourtney’s Thoughts

  Spring is in the air, all the life and light flowing back again, wonderful and bright. Everything starts again, different things like, sunshine and rain. Winter has given the beacon of time to spring. Spring is hope, excitement and joy. Northern Ireland is always green, but in spring there is an extra burst of colour.

I like spring because new lambs, new birds, new life, and to me that is what makes Ireland what it is. Spring is when you get your chance to start again, make a fresh start, you might think different but that is what I think about spring in Northern Ireland.

Spring is in the air in Northern Ireland

Last week  I woke up to the sound of the birds singing.

It was a beautiful sound. I got out of my bed and looked out the window, and I saw all my Mum’s beautiful flowers starting to bloom. The snowdrops were already displaying their fine clothes. I  went downstairs and quickly ate my breakfast. After I had eaten my breakfast I went outside into the garden and looked at my Mums flowerbeds. My favourite flower is the rose because it is so bright and majestic but I will have to wait sometime before I see them in their full glory.  After looking at the lovely flowers I went to see some of the birds that my Dad breeds. When I finally got to see the birds’ hut, I could hardly believe my eyes, there were nests full of new born chicks all getting fed by their mothers

Our spring  is truly here with new colours, new life and new birth.

I wonder what the spring looks like in  Nepal.

………………..Some thoughts from Andrew.


Affiliated to "A Ray of Hope UNESCO Youth Ambassador for the Culture of Peace"