the world learns -- all of us -- that the "other" is also us, that
Northern Ireland is also our hometown, that those who suffer near or far are
only episodically on television, but are permanently in our hearts, then
UNESCO's goal of creating the "moral solidarity of mankind" in pursuit
of peace will be in our grasp. Cry out for another way to solve our differences,
one based on the democratic principles of justice for each individual, respect
for all communities, minority or majority, and the freedom to speak out, even
forcefully, while foreswearing force and violence."
Dr. Federico Mayor Director General of UNESCO in
the foreword to A Ray of Hope's Peace Anthology December, 1996.
very heart felt thank you to those who have looked at our site and considered it
worthy of comment and indeed award. The main benefactors of their comments are
the children from around the world that we hold precious.