A Ray of Hope began life, following an
invitation by the British Embassy in Paris, for a choir to be to trained to
perform for Royalty, Heads of State and Ambassadors to UNESCO on the occasion of
the 50th Anniversary Celebrations of UNESCO. UNESCO's year was to be dedicated
to Peace and Tolerance.
children chosen came from 6 schools - Fleming Fulton ,
Largymore Primary, Assumption Grammar, Dromore High, Forthill College and
Grosvenor Grammar. The choir performed on the same programme as Barbara
Hendricks, Montserrat Caballe and Susana Rinaldi : and performed with Jean-Michel
Jarre in the world premiere of his "Hymn of
Tolerance". During A Ray of Hope's time on stage 19 presidents
reaffirmed the "Proclamation of the Declaration of
Tolerance". The visit to Paris was memorable and the children
appeared to make an impact on all who they met including President
Both now, and then, A Ray of Hope wish to
portray a desire for peace in all divided communities.
Ray of Hope - their message
the performances at various locations, including UNESCO Headquarters and the
Grand Amphitheatre de la Sorbonne, A Ray of Hope was honoured by Dr.
Federico Mayor, Director General of UNESCO, by his unique award to the
children of UNESCO Youth Ambassador for the Culture of
A Ray of Hope has now the distinction of being
listed with approximately 30 other Goodwill ambassadors including Lord Yehudi
Menuhin, Edson Pele, Jean-Michel Jarre, Pierre Cardin, Kim Phuc and Mstislav