International Christian Centre Home For The Needy

International Christian Centre Home For The Needy

1.) The overview:

The International Christian Centre Home For The Needy was set up in 1993 by Pastor Solomon A. Folorunsho (general overseer of International Christian Centre For Missions) in Benin City, Nigeria in order to help the poor/needy, orphans and vulnerable children.

ICC Home For The Needy is presently taking care of more than 350 children from jungles all over Nigeria.

2.) Vision:

The vision of International Christian Centre Home For The Needy is to get children out of suffering, poverty, helplessness/hopelessness and to give them education, a better life and future.

3.) Mission/Objective:

We provide orphans and vulnerable children with accommodation, food, clothing, medical/health care and qualitative education at our orphanage school “Christlike Schools” (Kindergarten/Nursery, Primary and Secondary).

From here we assist them further to the University level.

We also rehabilitate and equip those unable to go to school with skills such as furniture making, tailoring, craftmanship etc.

We render mental, spiritual, moral and social support also to the children, especially those who have been abused/molested in one way or the other.

4.) Area of concentration:

Caring for orphans/vulnerable children like street kids, children from broken homes, children that have been abused, children from poor families, HIV positive children etc

5.) Contact numbers:

Pastor Solomon A. Folorunsho

+234 805 2724920

+234 803 3441246


Pastor Efosa Otasowie

+234 807 7185205

+234 703 3228691


Linda Schulz

+234 807 2244718

+49 37422 3513

Affiliated to "A Ray of Hope UNESCO Youth Ambassador for the Culture of Peace"