Hungary is The Sunflower Trusts, first baby. Our baby has
grown big, over 16 years. Aid Lorries out to Hungary and Romania We can only show our gratitude to all who donated, contributed their time and efforts, into this wonderful expedition, by saying, THANK YOU. It is never enough I know, but it is only Words I have to express my gratitude. I could never have contemplated the outcome, of what would happen in the future when I visited my friends in Ireland In inviting them to come out, and meet the lovely people that we are partnering with in Hungary and Romania, they fell in love with them. The Ireland folk saw the much poverty, and the needs. They took an assessment, and true to their compassionate nature they went home and took action. In April, and May of this year, Donald and Shirley Buchanan, escorted two 42 lorries filled with vitally needed aid, out to Hungary. One lorry came from Scotland, thanks to the family, and friends of Donald, and the Highway and Byways Ministry. The other lorry came from both Southern Ireland and from the North. Arranged, and organised by Shirley Buchanan s rother Jim and Anne Graham, they worked tirelessly for 3 months to fill up these massive lorries with everything you could imagine. Food was asked for, so ton s of dry food was packed and sent. Clothes, shoes, toiletries, and beds, chairs, prams, sewing machines, and cutlery, and crockery were all packed and sent with love. Donald and Shirley drove there in their private car, to meet the lorries, and then to help distribute the aid. I met them there on both occasions to see how the distribution was getting on, and to enjoy the happy faces of all the children who received their gifts and food. While in Budapest I was invited by my friend Balazs Kovic, to speak to his group of physically disabled youth. My talk to them was about empowering them to be ABLE, and not to label themselves. There were about 15/18 young people, who hung on to every word, because at last someone told them that they were WORTH something, and most of all to themselves. Some were in wheelchairs and some literally couldn’t speak or express themselves. I gave everyone a hug and a kiss, and that spoke volumes to them all, and they responded by smiling, and inviting me back. I’m going back in August, and hope to continue to watch this group of people to develop, as they live their lives, making us ABLED folk look inadequate, and achieving their dreams