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Boris said, "There is nothing more important or beautiful than Latin; it is not just beautiful in itself but also unlocks a great treasury of ancient literature.  I hope very much that this project will restore the Classics and study of Latin to the place it used to occupy in the hearts of European people, and that we will be able to rebuild a single European consciousness – a sense of knowing where we came from - that goes with knowing Latin."

The competition consisted of a cultural test about the myth of Europa, who gave her name to our continent, and a Latin translation into English, French or German.  The students in the three participating countries were linked by webcam and were in constant communication with each other.

Boris spoke to the organisers and participants, saying, "I congratulate you all on your achievement and support the inspirational Classics teachers who have organised this amazing competition.  This is the way forward: vote for Latin!"

Bob Doe, Chairman of UK’s UNESCO School Twinning Task Force forwarded the best wishes of the UNESCO National Commission and commented that this was a very unique approach, led by enthused teachers, demonstrating that that the concept of schools’ twinning can be extremely effective in a myriad of forms.


Notes follow

1.                CICERO stands for 'Certamen In Concordiam Europae Regionum Omnium' and means 'Competition to promote (in) harmony in all areas of Europe'.

2.                Photograph attached.


contact: Anne    tel: 01684  892288

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Affiliated to "A Ray of Hope UNESCO Youth Ambassador for the Culture of Peace"