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For immediate release

29th April 2007

Paris, Berlin, Malvern!

Malvern St James Hosts New

Pan-European Classics Competition

A new Pan-European Latin Competition will be held at Malvern St James on Saturday 5th May. 6th Form Classicists throughout Europe will compete in this new competition to be held simultaneously in France, Germany and the UK - the European Cicero Competition.

Malvern St James is the host school for the UK.  Each participating country has a host centre where competing schools will meet and dial into the classrooms of their fellow-students in Europe.

During the Competition, a 'virtual classroom' will be set up in Paris and linked via video-conferencing with the two centres in Germany and England so that the students will be in touch with each other as they translate a passage from Latin and research their common heritage through the myth of Europa.

Schools will be competing for several prizes: national prizes for the translation competition and both national and European prizes for the Europa section.

Mrs Anne Dicks, Head of Classics at Malvern St James, commented: “This is a really exciting competition – the first of its kind! By using the latest in video-conferencing technology we are able to illustrate how a ‘dead’ language is still relevant in today’s world. Sixth Form Students from across the United Kingdom are all meeting at Malvern St James on Saturday 5th May, when we will link to students in Paris and Berlin and celebrate the joys and challenges of studying our shared Classical roots.”

The competition has been sponsored by West Midlands based commercial companies as well as national educational and language associations.

                    veniamus  videamus  vincamus!


Editors’ Notes

The competition has been organized by: Mrs Anne Dicks (Head of Classics at Malvern St James and author of the website “Pyrrha’s Roman Pages”); Mr Patrick Voisin (Professor of Classics at Lycée Louis Barthou, Pau, France, and author and Mr Markus Gehlen (Teacher of Classics at Canisius-Kolleg, Berlin, Germany). Dicks, Voisin and Gehlen met at a conference organised by CIRCE during the summer of 2006 at Corpus Christi College, Oxford.

CIRCE is an EU-sponsored project which enables Classics teachers from different countries in Europe to learn new ICT skills and to share ideas.

The UK Centre for CICERO (Certamen In Concordiam Europae Regionum Omnium) is Malvern St James. For further information

Malvern St James, formed by the merger of Malvern Girls College and St James’s School, welcomes boarders and day girls aged 7-18.


Press Enquiries: Suzie Branch: 07985 594290;


Affiliated to "A Ray of Hope UNESCO Youth Ambassador for the Culture of Peace"