Up Introduction Who's who? Aims Initiatives Development Bursaries Achievements Support Needed Galleries and Reports A Ray of Hope Children's Corner



Within the years, the school has been able provide quality education to the children in the area, making it one of the recognized schools in Wakiso District in examinations success. Over the years, our children have well performed in exams from Uganda National Examinations Board.

The school is also developing a strong co-curricular programme of sports and Music Dance and Drama activities. Our children have participated in sports in Zonal, District and National sports competitions winning the school a number of trophies.

The school encourages its children to take part in the agriculture activities at school to teach them better farming methods, as farming is widely carried out in this part of the country. They learn skills in pig husbandry, horticulture etc.

The school is also teaching its children carpentry skills, it was accepted by a local carpenter to take its children to his workshop from where they can learn these skills.