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Children’s Corner

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Teacher: Why are you late?

Webster: Because of the sign.

Teacher: What sign?

Webster: The one that says “school ahead, GO SLOW”.

Teacher: John, how do you spell ‘crocodile’?

John: “K-R-O-K-O-D-A-I-L”

Teacher: No, that’s wrong.

John: May be it’s wrong, but you asked me how I spell it!

Teacher: George, go to the map and find North America

George: Here it is!

Teacher: Correct. Now, class, who discovered America?

Class: George

Teacher: Willy, name one important thing that we have to day that we didn’t have 10 years ago.

Willy: Me!

Teacher: Ellen, give me a sentence starting with “I”

Ellen: I is…

Teacher: No, no, Ellen Always say “I am”.

Ellen: All right…”I am the ninth letter of the alphabet”

Teacher: “Can anyone give me an example of a COINCIDENCE?”

Daniel: “Sir, my father and mother got married on the same day and at the same time”.

Benedict P.5, 10 years


Dad & Son

Daddy: Oh, I am in danger. There’s the man who lent me his money. He, must be coming to demand for it yet I don’t have any money. Son, tell him that I am not around

Son: Yes Daddy.

Man: Is your father in?

Son: No sir

Man: Where has he gone?

Son: Daddy, which place should I tell him you’ve gone to?

Dorah, P.4 8 years.

A Drink.

Once upon a time, Joel got sick, after his examination, the doctor told him he was lacking water in his body, he advised him to drink a lot. When Joel got home, he got to the fridge and drunk all his father’s beer. The father got him sleeping, when he woke him up, he realized the boy was drunk, he left him to continue with his sleep. When he woke up, he asked him what had happened. Joel: The doctor told me to drink a lot. Sarah P.6, 11 years

If I were president

As president, it would be duty to do the following:

I’d urge the newspapers to tell the truth, without missing a fact or a word. This is the only way we can form a pack. There will be stiffer punishment for crime, so no body will steal even a single dime. Every body will have food to eat and a place to sleep, I’d build peace and encourage harmony. Medication will be cheap. Everybody will have a job, so my people won’t be called lacy slobs. Education will free so everyone will be educated.

Kawalya Stuart, P.4. 9 yrs.

Say no to war.

Why should humans kill humans? This beats my understanding, we were born to have a life on earth, why, then, can’t we live on it like we all have a place on it at a particular time? I am sure there’s nothing like development that can go on where there’s war. Why create war in the minds of the young? Why hold development back? I say no to war, say the same, too.

Bidandi Alex, P.7, 12 yrs.


What has hole and never gets dry?

A sponge

What has teeth but can’t bite?

A comb

Where does superman take his groceries?

To a supermarket

Which pupil doesn’t go to school?

The pupil of the eye

Juliet P.6 11yrs.

What did one eye say to the other?

There’s something between us  that smells.

What water won’t freeze?


What gets wetter as it dries?

A towel

What did the envelope say to the stamp?

Stick with me, and we will go places

What do you take off last when you get to bed?

Your feet off the floor

What does a bed, but doesn’t sleep?

A river