Support Needed
Up Introduction Who's who? Aims Initiatives Development Bursaries Achievements Support Needed Galleries and Reports A Ray of Hope Children's Corner



We’d like to invite you to support the pupil in their initiative by providing:

-         Books (both text and exercise), and art books

-         Pens/pencils

-         Geometry sets

-         Calculators

-          School bags

-          Shoes

-         Uniforms

-         Sports wear


Or, where possible, money to help in purchasing any of these.

Support the school development projects

Manyangwa Modern Primary School is a young school that still needs much more for its development, which development means a greater benefit to many more children. We would like to invite you to contribute towards:

Infrastructure Development

-         Finishing the 3 classroom blocks that need windows, doors, plastering and cement on the floor

-         Construction of more classrooms

-         Construction of a play ground

-         Construction of a bore hole

Equipment aimed at tapping the children’s talents

Games & Sports  Volleyballs Footballs Chess boards   Badminton   Sports jazzes

Art = Art books Color Paint brushes


We thank you so much for supporting us at Manyangwa Modern Primary School. We are your support is to make the future of our country bright.

God Bless you.

Sennoga Paul
