Starting Up
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Vickie found audiences among her friends and colleagues to hear about the inspiring people of Kabubbu. Donations and sponsorship were forthcoming and after a few months enough money had been collected to offer the people of Kabubbu a small library.  A Community Library was proposed to the Kabubbu Development Project who were very keen to start work immediately. With the support of the Quicken Trust the Kabubbu Community Library Project
began in July 2002.

Vickie's role as researcher then started for real as she built up contacts in the library field to provide guidance about how to go about the project. Many organisations and individuals have been very generous in offering advice.   This project has involved a large network of contacts and,in itself, is a triumph in the application of information.  A key resource provided by UNESCO was the:

UNESCO How to Start and Run a Basic Library Manual.

This UNESCO guide explained every aspect of setting up a new library at an appropriate level and provided vital training for the new librarians.

After 8 months of preparation including: book collects / recording / shipping / classification / labelling / shelving, local language book purchasing, shelf provision, shelf labelling, library procedure establishment, committee formation and librarian recruitment and induction, Kabubbu Community Library opened in February 2003.  The Library is currently housed in a classroom of Kabubbu Community Primary School.  A short folk tale, in Luganda (local language), was told by Annet, the Librarian at the opening ceremony of the Library. Not understanding a word herself, Vickie enjoyed watching the engaged faces of the locals as they listened and discussed the proverb afterwards. This was a very rewarding moment for everyone involved after all the hard work.